Friday, October 9, 2015

Swimming Has Its Ups and Downs

I was talking to a parent in the stands tonight and she was telling me that her son is on Olympic Way in the Gold squad.  She also said that he really wants to get onto the competitive squad.  I know how she feels because I was in her place a year ago with my daughter.

The coaches generally discourage parents from coaching their kids and comparing their kids to other swimmers who are faster.   The focus should be on technique.  I remember the coach sent out an article in one the weekly newsletters that was about the ups and downs of swimming.

Don’t compare your swimmer with teammates or competitors. They make progress in separate events and they grow and mature at different times. Why on earth compare your swimmer’s 50 free to her teammates and wonder why your swimmer isn’t as fast? It’s okay for your child to be competitive and push themselves by racing teammates — but parents — stay out of it!"
When my daughter was moved to the competitive squad Thunder, my response was to put away old ribbons that my daughter had received.  I wanted to be a good parent and direct her focus to technique and support my daughter through the ups and downs.  I boxed up all the ribbons.  My daughter's response was to tell me "Mom, you aren't proud of me."  I explained that I am proud of her even if she doesn't get ribbons.  She insisted that I hang all of her ribbons on the wall so that she can see them because she is proud of her hard work.  I wasn't even sure how to hang swim ribbons and I put them in frames.

At the swim meets to follow in long course, I cheered as loud as I could for my daughter so that she knew how proud I am of her.  (More on parent ettiquette later...).

On July 14, 2015, we received an email from the coach that "Cadence got an A time in the 50 fly. and Cadence had 100% best times.  I am so proud of my daughter's hard work.  She isn't always going to get a ribbon or place in the top.  She isn't fast in all the strokes.  I will continue to support  her and follow her lead.  The kids on her swim team are some of the hardest working kids I know.  They swim five days a week.  Their dedication is remarkable.

- Proud Swim Mom

old CYO ribbons

The "wall of ribbons"

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